Before I get into my post, I'd just like to thank every single last one of you, who've graced me with your fabulous presence over the past 30 days. I've thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the A to Z Blogging Challenge, and look forward to taking part next year.
For my final entry to the A to Z Blogging Challenge *sniffle*, I'd like to dedicate Z for Zone.
As a writer, I feel there's a certain writing zone I get into: when the words flow from my pen/keyboard and, when I'm done for the day, I look back and think "that was an excellent day for my writing".
Naturally, I've been keen to try and capture the essence of this zone, to make sure all my writing sessions are as creative and productive as possible.
I would love to hear what you do to get into your zone. Do you just plonk yourself down infront of a blank page and open up a vein? Or do you, like me, require a bit of a mental pep-talk to get into the full swing of things?
I know it's only been a month, but I shall look back with tearful nostalgia over my last 25 posts and pick out some things that help me reach my zone. I'll probably print this page out and stick it to the wall above my writing desk, for further encouragement!
- Practice my craft - Make sure I use writing excersizes from the likes of Warwick University Writing Programme and Morgen Bailey's Writing Tips.
- Create a writing schedule - My fortnightly schedule is proving to be an excellent way to make sure I'm committing the hours to my writing (therefore increasing the opportunity to get in said zone!)
- Get rid of silly expectations - My new focus is to put the hours in and don't even look at that word count!
- Write short fiction - Coming up with wee stories such as The Fortune Teller and Ungrateful have been great for putting myself in the writing zone. Perfect for when working on my WIP starts to feel a bit tedious...
- Analyse narrative hooks - "It must look like an accident. Can you arrange that?" (Sidney Sheldon - Memories of Midnight) Finding out what pulls me in to a story as a reader inspires me to create my own hooks!
- Keep a journal - I keep a word document open whilst I'm writing, and often turn to it to vent before, during and after my projects. I like to write what I plan to do with my writing time, then make a note of what I'd like to do next, at the end of it! Extreme Zone-age!
- Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs - Keep a picture of the pyramid on my wall and select one of my character's "basic human needs" to toy with... muwahahahaa.
- Read Stephen King's "On Writing" - Instant Zonification, if you ask me. I defy you to read more than three pages without reaching for your pen!
- Listen to Radio 4 - Tuning into Podcasts such as "Books and Authors", "Play of The Week" and "A Point of View" always get my cogs whirring :)
- Use Motivational Wallpapers - Tough love desktop backgrounds such as this one speak my (foul) language:
Alas... the time has come for the end of the post. From now on, you will find me blogging here EVERY FRIDAY. Please add me to your Google Friend Connect thingymajig, or subscribe to get a wee notification for when I post.
My Z music video (I'm going to miss these) is Zero 7 with In The Waiting Line. And relax...