I trust you all had a wonderful weekend? Good!
Do you have a Tumblr account? If so, what do you use it for? I've had one for about two years, but only upload a picture/video/quote every now and then. Mainly I just love throwing pictures of shoes and clothes at it *swoon*.
I still love having it, though. The pictures bring back a lot of memories for me. For every post, I can think back to what was going on in my life at the time. That's something other forms of social media can't do for me. Have a swatch of my Tumblr by clicking here.
Tattie Scones
I can't believe I've gone all the way to T without plugging my food blog, Noble Nourishment. Today felt appropriate to do so, as I get to share my (proper Scottish) Tattie Scone recipe with you. If you love your carbs, give it a try! Full recipe here.
My third and final T for today, is the music video for Traktor, by Wretch 32. I loooooove this song.

I LOVE recipes! Thanks for sharing! :D
Nope, never signed up for Tumblr...yet! you never know, maybe I will someday ;)
I have two Tumblrs, one for my writing and one for drooling over my favourite celebs! ;)
I've never seen or heard of tattie scones before, but by god they look awesome. I'm gonna give this recipe a try soon.
I haven't signed up for Tumblr... dunno the first thing about it... is it similar to Twitter? Or Facebook?
Thanks for the triple whammy post!
@Kyra Lennon: Yay! I hope you like the rest of the recipes! I post mostly on Wednesdays over at Noble Nourishment :)
@Trisha: Go for it! It took me a long time to get into it, but there are millions of lovely photos and inspiration on it, and you can never have too much of those! :D
@Clare: Haha you're ahead of the game, Clare! Oooh I hope you give the tattie scones a try, I'm sure you'll love them! Let me know how you get on :)
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