Today's post for my A to Z Challenge, is dedicated to N for Newspapers.
Don't laugh, but I collect newspaper clippings of stories that grip my attention, for the purpose of using them as inspiration in my stories.
Over the years, the clippings have accumulated to a rather mighty mass of drama and scandal...
The biggest benefit of these clippings, for me, are the finer details. For instance, how many months pass between a crime and it's trial? Or what might a defence lawyer have to say about a particularly despicable client (they usually speak about the criminal's state of mind or mitigating circumstances, which could be good for fleshing out a nasty character, perhaps)? What happens at inquests for unexplained deaths?
I also like to read witness comments on incidents; they really paint a picture for you. The options are endless and I'm sure you could spend hours poring over the stories, should you feel so inclined.
If you like to read newspapers online, here's a great link to an abundance of free publications (and limitless potential for stories!) for London Newspapers (you can skip the registration: I don't bother registering).
Would anyone else like to admit their hoarding habits? Come on... don't leave me hanging!
Today's N music video is for November Rain, by Guns N' Roses. An exceptional display of musical genius.

That's a very smart idea! I think I should start doing this too!
I hoard clothes, can't seem to let go of the ones which don't fit me no more :)
Cool idea to clip newspaper articles, though they're kind of going the way of the world in the old paper format. Good thing you can find them online.
That is a bizarre video. (great music) I kept wondering if the bride was supposed to be like the wicked witch of the west and melted in the rain. lol
Catherine, I think your newspaper clipping collection is brilliant. What a great way to store both ideas and research.
What do I hoard? It used to be books, but I got rid of a whole bunch. I do hoard my kids' school work. If it were up to hubby, we'd dump most of it--which is what my mom did with my school stuff :-(
Yes thats a great idea for writng crime book. I hoard books, I have a clearout and then I hoard again.
I have a great book you would love it's called I CAN TELL IT NOW. It is written by the Oversees press club of America in 1964 about stories from World War 2 that they were not allowed to report on until then. It is fascinating. I get my inspiration from lots of places, but usually pictures. I have lots and lots of pictures that I'm hording.
Collection of newsclippings = gold mine of writing ideas...
Have you tried writing down/keeping snippets of interesting conversations you may have overheard in the supermarket/doctor's waiting room/from a TV programme etc?
Lends itself to endless possibilities...
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