Helloooooo, just popping in to say I won't be participating in this year's A to Z Blogging Challenge (as much as it pains me!), as I have to focus all my writerly efforts on the novel. It's getting there, slowly but surely!
Last year, my theme was an A to Z of Creative Writing Warm-Ups. A few writers told me they'd love to have the warm-ups in a whole, complete format, so I have lovingly compiled it all into a PDF file for your viewing/writing pleasure.
To access the PDF, click here (I would recommend saving the file to your desktop for future offline use).
This PDF has a total of 158 warm-ups! Choose from:
- 26 photo prompts
- 26 mind maps
- 26 freewriting exercises
- One personal questionnaire
- 79 sentence starts
Why don't you try a wee five minute warm-up at the start of your next writing session and let me know how you get on with it?
Take care
Catherine x

Hi Catherine, I'm not taking part in A to Z either this year. I've got to get on with my novel, its really dragging now. I've got a new routine going, but its still painfully slow.
Good luck with yours.
That looks brilliant, Catherine! I'm going to download it when I'm on my home computer. I just heard about the A-Z blog challenge on Monday night from a friend so it was a bit late for me to sign up and, like you, thought it may distract me too much from other writing just now. It does sound lots of fun though!
Oh Catherine you are so clever! I'm not doing A-Z this year either,too busy getting house ready to sell.
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