In September last year, I listed my expectations for my first novel; one that I was yet to begin writing:
My extensive research suggests the average book is between 90,000 and 120,000 words, so here is my own little plan:
- Aim for 70,000 words for my first draft
- Take a few weeks off, and prepare for Xmas break.
- 2 tear-inducingly blissful weeks off work, to be spent working on 2nd draft.
I hope to bulk up to 90k + words during this time. Once I've got that out of the way, I'll look into critiquing and getting a few objective readers arranged, but first things first... the planning stage!
I know what you're thinking... it's time for another Face Palm.
I'm going to dismiss my naivety as over-eagerness to thrust myself into Authordom. I'm not knocking it, but this is what happens when you are seduced by NaNoWriMo: you're surrounded by hundreds of thousands of writers who don't bat an eyelid at pouring out a 50k novel in 30 days.
What with my obsession for goal-setting, my attempt to run before I could walk was inevitable.
Thus, today's post is dedicated to E for Expectations, and what my new expectations are.
I did get to the 50k mark by the end of November, but I'll tell you something: about 5% has made it into my current WIP.
Currently, I only have one expectation:
Put the hours into my novel, and don't even look at that word count. It'll be done when it's done, 'orite?
Please don't mistake this new attitude for apathy. I'm very optimistic about this outlook! Coupled with my enforced-discipline-writing-schedule, I'm positive I'll get to where I want to be, in a time-frame I'm happy with.
And I'll be sure to keep you updated along the way of course!
Please share your expectations with me: how long do you normally take to write your novels? Have you set yourself goals for the week/month/year?
Today's E music video is Enter Shikari's "Arguing With Thermometers". Ugh... TUNE! Enjoy :)

I like your new expectations :)
Stress free is always more enjoyable
It's so much easier to plan a novel than to actually write it! Good luck with this next round! Thank you! I do enjoy a stressless environment, as much as possible :)
@Michelle Mach: Don't I know it! :) Thank you :D
NaNoWriMo is both an excellent way to start a novel, and a terrible way to start a novel. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I think having a structured plan helps. My first NaNo novel, though it was over 50k was a mess. I've since shelved it. My second NaNo novel has become my current WiP and I'm now editing the first draft.
Good luck with yours. I hope your new expectations help you get what you want out of writing.
Clare: Even though my NaNo novel makes for quite dire reading at the moment, I'm sooo glad I did it. The premise of the story is still good and I intend to expand on it one day when I feel more qualified as a writer to do so :) Good luck with your current WIP :) And thanks, my new expectations make me feel a lot more focussed!
expectations are evil!
goals are great! as long as we give enough time to accomplish them =)
expectations dont allow for snags and setbacks and editing!!! not to mention blockage and crits!
keep writing!
@Tara Tyler: I love goal setting too :) I'm hoping that the more books I write, the more organised and realistic my goals will be! :) Thank you!
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