Hellooooo! I couldn't say cheerio to 2014 without popping in for a gab first!
Have you all had a good year?
2014 has been mighty hectic. Life has taken me in directions I would never have fathomed a year ago. Some notable shenanigans that currently spring to mind:
- Having several short stories published, namely Wee Hammy, The clown was suicidal, and A beautiful, terrible tempest.
- Creating a mammoth resource for writers: A-Z of Creative Writing Warm-Ups.
- Being completely sickened by the way the food bank debate was sneered out of parliament, and subsequently volunteering at my local food bank.
- Finally summoning the courage to attend Weegie Wednesday.
- Becoming a First Aider. Don't worry, I'll fix ye!
- Landing a new job in Digital Marketing, which has been a steeeeeep learning curve, I tell ye!
- Taking part in the 12 week Artist's Way program (more about that in the new year, but you can read Week 1 here).
- Falling head over heels in love with Kilchattan Bay, Rothesay. Take me back!
- Falling even more head over heels in love with Anstruther. Sigh, swoon...
- Finding myself completely immersed in the Scottish Referendum debate (I'll never get over it).
- Enrolling on a part time degree course in Design & Innovation.
- Signing up for the SNP.
- Having my coupon (and recipe) in a cookbook for Cash for Kids charity (more details here!).
I have no idea what 2015 has in store. I usually adore creating resolutions and reassessing my goals, but to be honest, I'm just hoping to keep my head above water!
There will be more writing.
More work on the novel.
More blogging and documenting life on this wee website of mine.
I hope you're all having a lovely Hogmanay. And I wish you health, wealth and happiness for 2015. Everyone's out partying hard, while we're cosied up next to the amber glow of the Xmas tree, curling up while the wind batters against the window, and I'm sipping on a wee tea.
Cheers to you and yours!
xx ◦

Wow Catherine! You have had an amazingly busy, productive year...
Happy Hogmanay and all the very best to you and yours. Happy New Year!
Thanks, Maria, and you! :)
Sounds as if 2014 was a successful year for you! I've also fancied going along to Weegie Wednesday but never been brave enough to go on my own. Maybe this year I will... Also, like you, I'm still struggling to get over the No vote but have faith that Yes will happen one day. All the best for 2015 Catherine.
What an interesting year you had! I bought my Mum the Artists Way for Christmas and she is loving it so far - I think I'll have to read it too as it sounds very motivating. My attendance at Weegie Wednesday really fell away by the end of last year, but I'm hoping to go next Wednesday so I'll look out for you in case you are going. Hope 2015 is a great one for you x
Not sure where you're hiding Catherine, but I nominated you for an award should you choose t accept it.
Keep well and happy.
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