Last week, my twincess Irene & I
I'm not one to accept growing old(er) gracefully. I live in denial. I turned 25 last week, OK?
To soften the blow, Colin got me the best birthday gift my geeky little heart could ever wish for. I was taken to my favourite place in the world, Voltaire & Rousseau, and given free rein.
Free rein in this place!
4 carrier bags later, we were home, and I was delirious with happiness.
Here's the list, in all its stunning entirety:
- Ulysses - James Joyce
- Cal - Bernard MacLaverty
- The Sunday Philosophy Club - Alexander McCall Smith
- Red Dust Road - Jackie Kay
- White Teeth - Zadie Smith
- Choke - Chuck Palahniuk
- Pulp - Charles Bukowski
- Not Not While The Giro - James Kelman
- The Acid House - Irvine Welsh
- Moments of Being - Virginia Woolf
- Any Human Heart - William Boyd
- Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord - Louis deBernieres
- Creative Writing (Pocket Essentials) - Neil Nixon
- The Peppered Moth - Margaret Drabble
With all this joy comes a great dilemma... in which order should I read the beauties? I'm slightly obsessed with Irvine Welsh at the moment and have started on The Acid House... I'm thinking James Kelman next. Have you got a favourite amongst them all?
Just when I thought I was all-booked-out for the immediate future, I received this lovely tweet from my writerly friend, Paul Forrester (be sure to follow him on Twitter):
Wayne & Maria were having their own book clear-outs, so I jumped at the chance! I came in to work to find this wee cracker on my desk:
I can't wait to read it, especially as I'm rewriting some of The Novel and about to embark on some serious editing.
I'm experimenting with close (third person) narration and took an extract of my latest attempt into writers group on Thursday. On the whole it was positive, although it clanged with a few people. I'm going to continue with it, though, I feel like I've got some momentum going at last!
How are you all getting on?
Take care
Catherine x ◦

Hi Catherine,
Thanks for the mention, very kind! Seems like I started clearing out at a good time, and I really hope the book helps with your editing. Nice round up, you've inspired me to update my own blog about the projects I've been spending my time on recently.
I would offer some platitude about not worrying about getting older, but each to their own! I'm quite looking forward to turning 30 later in the year, but I think it's the age I was born to be. I wasn't very good at being someone in their late teens/early 20s!
Wish I could give you an opinion on any of those books, but I have a rather narrow view when it comes to choosing fiction and I've never read any of them. Thankfully, I at least recognise a few of the titles, so I'm not completely illiterate!
Happy birthday! Looks like you spent it in your ideal place. Enjoy your books.
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