So this year, I forbade myself to take part in NaNoWriMo.
- You're 20k away from the end of your novel. Focus, Catherine!
- You have dozens of short stories waiting to be polished and sent off.
- You have a writing class on Tuesdays to keep up with.
- You have a writing group on Thursdays to keep up with!
But I couldnae resist. Sign me up!
Do you know the only reason I'm embarking on this madness?
Because... I've FINALLY finished my A to Z of Writing Warm-Ups PDF! Remember, back in April, doing the A to Z Blogging Challenge? I wrote 26 blog posts, with warm-ups for each letter of the alphabet.
It included:
- 26 photo prompts
- 26 freewriting exercises
- 26 mind map exercises
- 79 (I know!) sentence starts
In total, 157 writing prompts. I'm going to use them every day for NaNoWrimo. It's going to be a stream of consciousness novel, so there is no plotting or outlining. It's more of a warm-up for my other writing tasks, with the benefit of obtaining 50% off Scrivener if I reach the 50k (as good a reason as any to sign up, in my opinion).
So, I give you... my Writing Warm-Ups of 2013. Click here to open it and remember to save it on to your computer!
Who else is taking part?
Take care
Catherine x ◦

What a fun approach! I'm NaNo but I'm having to use the first part of the month finishing up edits for my editor. I hope I can get it done!
Your Writing Warm-Ups of 2013 is complete? Yay!!
Congratulations Catherine.
I'm going to try and save it to my Kindle.
Congrats on the NaNo sign up. I really admire you NaNoNites!
I've been thinking about you quite a bit, and have something over at my blog. When you have a moment, please pop over and read...
Writer In Transit
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