In my last post, I spoke of uncovering story ideas from practically any topic. I'd like to further put forward my argument with this writing warm-up for my A to Z Blogging Challenge.
I give you W for the humble Wheel.
1. Choose from one of the two following scenarios and expand further, in the form of a five minute freewrite:
- You're driving along a quiet road when a man flags you down, saying he's got a flat tyre. Can he borrow your car jack? There are two other men in the car and they all look scary as hell. What do you do?
- You're the one with a flat tyre and it couldn't have come at a worse possible time! You discover you have no spare tyre either. Who comes to your rescue?
3. Choose one of the following sentence starts and freewrite for a few minutes, letting the words tumble out without a second thought:
- I left work to discover my bike had been stolen...
- The Wheel of Fortune theme tune was blaring in the background when it happened...
- I could smell the burnt rubber before I saw it...
I find it best not to read my freewrites for at least a few days. Why not stuff them in a drawer and surprise yourself? It's blatant evidence that our minds work in mysterious ways. Plus, I defy you not to find an array of story seeds amongst your work.
Do you have any writing warm-ups you'd like to share?
Take care,
Catherine x
Note: All photo prompts in my A to Z Challenge 2013 are my own. Feel free to use/copy/share to your hearts content. Help yourself. :)

I like both your scenarios in #1. Somehow, the photo is making me want to write from the point of view of a tire. I must need my wake-up cup of tea!
Y is for Yesterday (quotes & motivation)
The Daille-y News
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