I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into a brand new story. The thing is... it starts in less than 17 hours and I haven't settled on an idea yet!
This is highly unusual for me. Last year, I posted about my NaNoWriMo planning in September, for crying out loud. I had a spreadsheet and everything!
Sometimes I cringe when I look back at my previous posts, full of naive promise and unrealistic targets. In that September post, I said "It's important for me to keep as organised as humanly possible. It's how I work. I need to establish routine and commit to it fully."
On the 2nd October last year, I panicked about only having 29 days left to "plan and prepare" for NaNo.
Oh how things have changed...
I'm hoping my current calm is a sign of growth and confidence in my ability, rather than apathy. I am still committed to my 50k in November. In truth, I've been so wrapped up in finishing the first draft of my current WIP "Brothers", I've not given myself the chance to think too much about NaNo. I know that I have a few novels to edit in 2013, that I'm really passionate about, so the pressure is off for this one.
I'm quite excited about the possibility of going with the flow and being a bit experimental with my story. I'm still getting up at 4:30am to do my freewriting Morning Pages, which have proved beneficial, amusing and slightly eccentric. It's probably the reason I'm less interested in structure this time round and more interested in seeing how far I can stretch my creative muscles.
On the NaNoWriMo website, I named my novel "Solid Ground" because the words flashed up on the telly at the time of writing. Chances are the real title won't transpire till the end of November. But who knows? It could be a sign!
How are you all getting on? Are you all set for a month of writing?
Best of luck to everyone participating! ◦

I am SO not prepared! I'm still debating what to write, and I think I'll just sit down tomorrow and see what I start typing lol!
Good luck! :D
I'm kind of prepared but no where near as I would like to be! The great thing about NaNo is that the pressure of the word count can help force ideas out of your brain.
Good luck! :D
congratulations on doing nanowrimo! I think you're so brave to commit, like that. Especially as it sounds like you've got a few projects on the go. Wish I could be as organised...
4:30? Amazing! Gosh, I can feel your energy. Go for it and pump out those words!
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