This past week has been, on the whole, very productive. Having read my plea for writing discipline, my colleague, fellow writer and talented playwright Kris took pity on me and arranged an enforced writing day, whereby we met up at one of his secret writing locations and spent the day writing. It couldn't have been timed better!
Only the night before, I'd had an epiphany regarding the WIP. Originally intending to write the novel from two POVs (an elderly woman and her teenage granddaughter), it became less feasible as the story developed. Their situations became too big; too separate.
I love both of them, so it was decided. One novel became two. Nanny's story is being put on the back burner until the time comes to revive her. She joins my NaNo 2011 novel on the "To Be Written Properly" shelf, waiting to be plucked from hibernation and smartened up.
Armed with this new outlook, I tidied up the outline of my current WIP (I should probably give it a title), and everything seemed to just fit into place. Before, I'd used Nanny's story to flesh out the novel; to keep things interesting and give it a comical, eccentric break from what is essentially a very harrowing story. When I lifted Nanny's part away from the WIP, I also lifted a plethora of restrictions and obstacles.
The path is clear now, and I'm happily running down it.
Remember I said I was considering buying a rucksack so I could bring the laptop into work (without being mugged on the way in), to write on my lunch breaks? Well... I asked my twin, Irene, what she thought of this and she calmly replied "I'd rather be mugged than seen wearing a rucksack. Take the laptop bag and carry a knife."
I managed to compromise and found myself a gorgeous bag, big enough to hold the laptop (a fiver from Primark. Result!). I've since spent a few lunch hours writing and have been surprised by how much I can get done in less than an hour!
It's just as well I'm getting some work done, as I spent a ridiculous amount of time on Polyvore last night, creating outfits. I'm making a public promise to stay away from it (until next weekend), lest it take over my life. In the meantime, I want to share the beautiful little outfits I made with you. Sigh... aren't they precious?

I laughed out loud at the rucksack conversation!!
Ooh, you have a very good eye for fashion, these outfits are lovely!
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog this morning, it put a gigantic smile on my face! <3
@Kyra Lennon: Haha I know, she's mental!
Aww, thank you! I do love fashion, albeit from afar (since I'm too skint to buy any clothes!)
You're very welcome! I want to know how you managed to find that holy grail: "The Linger Factor", as I've been thinking about the characters for days! :) xx
Congrats on the new direction for your story, it sounds like breaking it into two parts has given you some new inspiration.
That laptop story is hilarious! I actually quite like backpacks. That's awesome that you're getting in some writing at work, every little helps.
Ah, Polyvore, one of my main procrastination tools along with Pinterest and Tumblr. Those are gorgeous fashions, you've got a great eye! :D
Wow - the outfits are great :-) Hadn't heard of Polyvore... looks like a great tool for procrastination! Glad your novel has taken off on a new road - best of luck with it!
Well done on the story you'll be on a roll now. You're sister is mad! Lol!! I've never heard of Polyvore but guess where I'm off to now? Oh yes and I want you as my stylist you have lovely taste. I never buy outfits just lots of stuff!
I wear rucksacks all the time! :) haha I love this!
Oh Catherine, I love the outfits. My feet hurt looking at the boots but I love em! I also think it's a great idea to write two books. I actually did that. My current novel had a character in it who wouldn't leave me alone. Her story, "Omatiwak: Woman Who Cries" is now in the hands of my publisher. So, bravo for coming up with an excellent solution.
Love the outfits! My three-year-old daughter would love to have her nails painted like the ones in the first pic. :)
Good luck with your novel!
I *love* it when the pathway is clear... with WIP and life! Such a great feeling... roll with it as long as you can! I'm rooting for you! ;)
That's cool - now you have two stories!
And I couldn't come up with a name for my second book. My publisher named it. Sad, huh?
That is awesome! And yeah, I stay away from Polyvore and Pinterest. They gobble up time!
Well, you've now got two books for the price of one. That's pretty cool!
I've heard of Polyvore, but haven't quite felt the allure myself... :)
If I started with Polyvore I'm sure I'd be sucked right in and never be able to climb out to complete my WIP.
Good luck with your WIP, btw! :-)
Oh good lord, am I the only one without a hint of fashion sense?
Loved the outfits and the enforced writers date, but a rucksack is miles above a fanny pack. Don't like the fanny pack.
Ha ha, your sister may give in one day as I used to be of the same persuasion regarding rucksacks until I got a bad back. I got a lovely leather one though that looks like a satchel and has a beautiful checked lining rather than one of those hideous laptop ones. Never heard of Polyvore before but I am going there now!
Your WIP sounds intriguing and I look forward to it getting published so I can read it. PMA is the way to go you know.
Oh and thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog last month and sorry for the complete lack of response but have been moving house and was offline for weeks :)
I love the Polyvore outfits... smart & trendy... actually it's the first time I'm hearing about this site...
Good luck with the WIP, Catherine! Perhaps one of your characters will dress in some of these clothing items...?
Wow I adore the jacket in the third outfit!
Good to know you're getting some writing done. I haven't, but it might be because I'm still in editing mode. Hopefully I can get out of it in a few days when I'm done with my WiP.
I so want to check out Polyvore, but I only have a few days before my editing deadline runs out. What the heck. No harm in looking, right? ;-)
Polyvore looks addictive. And haha, I love the idea of a "To Be Written Properly" bookshelf...
It does look addictive... I'm resisting the urge to go to it, but I don't know if I will last.
After all, I should be doing other things, but want to distract myself with many things instead.
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