I'm delighted to announce that I won the #weekendwritercize competition! Look at my shiny badge :)
This is what the host, Alana Garrigues, said about my entry:
I chose this story because outlandish as the pairing was, the dialogue and circumstances felt very natural and true to their characters. I really enjoyed the humor and the light-hearted exchange.
Just look at the following dialogue between Paris' personal assistant and financial advisor.
Paris scowled at Meredith. She would try
and change Daddy's mind about firing her when she got
“Never mind Mere-bitch,” François hissed, “I happen to know 100% that he performs miracles. There's absolutely nothing he cannot do. Face it honey,” he placed a hand on his hip, “do you think we'd even know who he was if he couldn't?”
Thanks, Alana, I'm chuffed to bits!
The other entrants, Rossandra White, Nicole, Aurora Lee and Christopher H Mitchell, were excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every one of them!
To take part in #weekendwritercize (or any of the other excersizes), visit the Writercize Website. Go on... flex that creative muscle.
:) x

Congratulations. Alana does a great job with her writercizes doesn't she.
Tossing It Out
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