It's been quiet on the writing front the last couple of months.
To say I've lost my momentum would be a complete understatement. I know I'll have to pull up my wee writer socks soon and, truth be told, I'm gasping to get back into a routine. But I regret nothing.
I've been enjoying the good weather.
I've had a couple of writerly fixes.
I've been getting oot and aboot.
I started a new job.
Same company, different role (now in digital marketing). My new colleagues left this on my desk on my first day...
I decided to take up running.
My first 5k.
My 2nd 5k.
I've been reading more.
I finally got a fancy camera, and I have no idea how to use it.
It was Colin & I's 4 year anniversary.
We celebrated by going to T in The Park, where we originally got together.
I'm still adding to my "photos from the squinty bridge" collection.
And, of course, I've been watching the Commonwealth Games, being frequently overcome with utterly irrational pride. Have you been intae it?
How have you all been getting on? Well, I hope! Here's to a productive and lovely August for ye. *raises mocktail glass* chin chin.
Catherine x