Helloooo how are you? Thought I'd pop in for a gab and an update!
The writing is coming along nicely. Still going to the writers group and getting excellent feedback, which has really changed the way I edit my work. I now print as I go, and set about it with my trusty highlighter and black pen. As it
stands, I'm 41k into my rewrite, though I still have 2/3
of my previous draft to wade through, slice and polish. I'm not putting my head through my monitor yet; it's still exciting. I spend most lunch hours working on it, as well as frequent trips to
the library after work (I get more writing done there than at home!). It's hard work, but it's a learning process.
I've become alarmingly obsessed with reading. The Paisley
Library has an eye-watering “book sale” section, where I picked up
these beauties on my last trip. Have you read any of them? Which one should I delve into first?:
Despite my purchases, I can’t stop checking books out of the library; it’s an
unstoppable compulsion. I last checked out The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, which
was an astounding read. I was tempted into reading it after the glowing
review Ian Rankin gave it on Radio 4, when discussing the book he would never
lend to another. The way Muriel Spark used the past,
present and future tense concurrently... well it just shocked my tiny little mind.
From this slimline masterpiece, I discovered a writing technique called prolepsis, or
flash forward. Not sure if I’ll ever use it, but it's lovely to see a classic novel defy the confines of the "writer rulebook".
After that, I read Roddy Doyle’s The Snapper in one day.
One day! It was too absorbing to put down. I didn’t even have my dinner. I turned wrinkly in a tepid bath, reading for hours, which I’m pretty sure has
caused some kind of eye strain damage. It was worth it.
Next on my
list is Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting. I listened to an interview where he described that toilet scene in such graphic detail, I dry
heaved at my desk. This sick puppy wants to read the rest.
I’ve become
something of a Twitter addict of late. I spotted this tweet from the Scottish Book Trust. Have you read about the author Samantha Shannon?:
Isn’t it just
the stuff of fairy tales? If it wasn’t such a hopeful and optimistic story, I’d be
sickeningly jealous (alright, I am sickeningly jealous)! Read the rest of the article here.
I'll stop gibbering for now. Tell me your news, what have you been up to?
By the way, I'm going to start taking part in the #WordlessWednesday phenomena. I feel I should explain that now, since I will be wordless... on Wednesday.
Take care
Catherine x

Eyeball strain, dry heaving and the stuff of fairy tales